Moon Ceramony

To harness the energy of the moon

Set intentions, Clear energy & Gain clarity

Moon Ceramony

Full Moon is when the sun and the moon are aligned on opposite sides of earth. It has been linked with a time of reflection and letting go and setting new intentions , so as to reawaken our sense of direction and purpose.

New Moon is when its nearly between the sun and the earth. Because it is near the sun its shadowed side points towards the earth.

The various phases of the moon allows us to draw attention to aspects of our lives. Giving us the opportunity to reflect on how far we have reached.

The moon over time has represented birth, death and rebirth. A time that allows us to reflect on life’s challenges and focus on new beginnings.

The Moon Ceremony provides a safe environment to release any negative and limiting beliefs and gives us the chance to set new goals, whilst embracing the stillness within ourselves.

By Appointment only

Phone: 0413417844
